离职证明英文怎么说(离职证明 英文翻译)


This attachment is my Severance Documentation, Please help to complete the on board process of new hire, thanks.

离职证明英文怎么说(离职证明 英文翻译)


Demission certificate

This is to certify that the former employee ______ , (Identity card: _________________) terninated the contract with our company on _____________, and have finished the demission procedure already.

Demission department: _______________

HR(human resource department)/ General manager office




Demission certificate=离职证明


Demission certificate

This is to certify that the former employee ______ , (Identity card: _________________) terninated the contract with our company on _____________, and have finished the demission procedure already.

Demission department: _______________

HR(human resource department)/ General manager office

兹证明: (身份证号: ),自X年X月X日至X年X月X日在我单位工作,担任研发部高级应用开发工程师。







Offer Letter

We are pleased to advise that Co., Ltd. wish to offer you the position of Project Manager. You will be responsible for overall quality performance of assigned projects to meet and exceed client expectation for on-time delivery and quality, and play an integral role in the coordination among departments, suppliers and clients.

Your employment with Co., Ltd. will commence on (dd/mm/yyyy). The first six months shall be the probationary period.

Your monthly gross salary will be ¥xx,xxx before deduction of individual income taxation. The company will be responsible for withholding your Individual Income Tax as long as your chargeable tax is derived from our employment.

You will be entitled to 14 days annual vacation after completing your first calendar year of employment. In subsequent years, one additional day of annual leave will be granted cumulated per service year, subject to a maximum of 18 working days of annual leave. We also provide you 14 days sick leave with full pay per year in case you have to be absent due to physical discomfort or medical appointment after you get confirmation of employment.

We take great pleasure in offering you this position and look forward to working with you. Please sign one copy of this letter and return it to me as your acceptance of this position.

Sincerely yours,

Molly Chen

Recruiting Supervisor



I hereby accept the position as offered.

_______________________ __________________

Name Dated


Please prepare below things before you join in,

5 color photos of 1 inch. (彩色一寸相片5张);

Original and Copy of Passport, (护照原件及复印件)

Original Education Certificate Other Skill Certificate, etc. (学历证明和其他资格证明原件及复印件);

Employment Termination Certificate with the last employer; (离职证明)

Health Check Certificate (体检报告)

(Please contact MS. Molly Chen of ** on board process issues via tel:



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