
证明信 英文 求翻译


XXX study at the NPC evening school during the 1995-1998 , the graduation scores are percentile, and the Chinese transcript does not have the Credit System , hereby certify.

Renmin University of China



n. trust, faith, letter,

message, sign, true

v. letter, trust,

believe 名(书信) letter; mail:保价信 insured letter拆信 open a letter公开信 an open letter挂号信 registered letter平信 ordinary letter (mail)私信 personal (private) letter证明信 certificate; certification(信息;消息) message; word; information:口信 a verbal message; an oral message通风报信 divulge secret information; tip sb. off还没有信儿呢。 No news yet.你到达后给我来个信儿。 Please send me word of your arrival.请你捎个信儿给他好吗? Would you mind giving him a message?(凭据) sign; evidence:信号 signal印信 official seal(信用) confidence; trust; faith:取信于民 win the people's confidence (trust)失信 break faith (one's promise)言而无信 fail to keep faith; go back on one's word(引信) fuse:炸药信管 fuse in a blasting charge(信石; 砒霜) arsenic:白信 white arsenic(姓氏) a surname:信都芳 Xin Dufang动(相信) believe; take stock in; credit:坚信 firmly (staunchly) believe将信将疑 half believe and half doubt信不信由你 believe it or not信以为真 accept sth. as true他深信自己必将成功。 He profoundly believes in his future success.(听凭; 放任; 随意) at will; at random; without plan:信笔写来 write freely without hesitation信步闲游 walk aimlessly(信奉) profess faith in; believe in:信佛 profess Buddhism形(确实) true:信乎? Is it true?信然。 It is indeed true.


英语作文翻译 证明信

Letter of Certification

We hereby certify that ###(Passport No.### ) is a regular civil servant of our institution and acts as project officer, he has worked ##years here and behaved well, his monthly income is RMB##.

Due to the need for getting together with his family, our insititution has decided to approve him to ###(country). All the costs of ## for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by himself. Our insitution assures that ### will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.Please help him with the applying for a visa.

If you have any question please contact us soon.




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称呼用语多用“To whom it many concern”,意为“执事先生”“有关人士”“负责人”,但此项也可省去,直接开始正文。

正文起首句多用This is to certify that„结构。 证明内容简洁明了,实事求是,不必多用客套语。 正文右下方注明证明人头衔及姓名或证明机构名称。


语言表达言简意赅 信息完整


进行相应的格式调整 恰当使用目的语套语 用词准确恰当


Card Ming letter

This is the second high school students A anshan city in liaoning province, the seven years ten students in our school class, the student good student achievement. The understanding of the school, A mother B is currently in England to children miss and care, often contact us communicate their learning situation, so, we have reason to believe that the mother and daughter on A students meet soon learn body and mind is very important.

Your comment

The second high school anshan city in liaoning province


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